Our toolbox includes:
Our data collection plans are grounded in literature review and statistical analysis. We often work with implementation partners and data collection agencies to conduct experiments. Finally, we develop comprehensive analysis plans, while ensuring adherence to research protocols and the ethical conduct of research. CSBC follows Ashoka University’s IRB guidelines, which can be found here.
We also contribute to CSBC’s experimental research portfolio. Our experts apply their programming skills to the innovative collection of primary outcomes using games. We also analyse field data, applying contemporary methods for experiments using Python, R, or Stata, while maintaining fidelity.
Our DA Team wears two hats:
We develop original behavioural science-driven research and execute them using machine learning. Our ML work frequently leverages secondary data to develop insights on behaviour relevant to nutrition, health, and gender.
Our experts apply their programming skills to the innovative collection of primary outcomes using games. We also analyse field data, applying contemporary methods for experiments using Python, R, or Stata, while maintaining fidelity.
We have set out multi-year research agendas to advance the centre’s understanding of BeSci in a developing country context, including:
The lab’s core functions include:
Our Behavioural Design & Impact lab is unique for its interdisciplinarity, usage of multiple research lenses and participatory design process. We design for scale, ensuring that our solutions can be scale up and implemented feasibly.
The Pop-U.P. Lab is a crucial component of CSBC's toolkit for providing evidence-based solutions to policy problems. The goal is to bring research to where people live and work, bridging the gap between the community and scientific inquiry. Established by CSBC's UP Behavioural Insights Unit in Uttar Pradesh (U.P.), the lab pops up in locations with access to desired respondents and is equipped with advanced technological infrastructure for mobility. It benefits from a skilled field team that ensures high-quality standards through extensive training and rigorous quality checks.
Learn more.