We bring together behavioural science practitioners in governments and international organisations to advance behavioural science in policy and programming.
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SICSS is a distinctive week-long programme that brings students, postdoctoral researchers, and beginning faculty interested in computational social science together.
Co-hosted by the Centre for Social and Behaviour Change (CSBC), Ashoka University and CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, SICSS Delhi 2022 is a week-long, virtual programme in computational social science. SICSS is meant for both social scientists (broadly conceived) and data scientists (broadly conceived). There is no cost to participate in SICSS-Delhi.
The instructional programme will involve lectures and hands-on tutorials by global and Indian faculty. There will also be invited speakers from reputated national as well as international organsations who conduct computational social science research in a variety of settings, such as academia, industry, and government. Some of the topics to be covered includes digital data, natural language processing, machine learning, crowdsourcing and ethics. The overall theme of the programme will be both computational as well as experimental research. Moreover, we will also be focussing on the policy practices employed for social or economic justice. The programme will aslo provide an opportunity for participants to discuss their ideas and research with the organizers, other participants, and visiting speakers. Because we are committed to open and reproducible research, all materials created by faculty and students for the Summer Institute will be released open source.
Participation is restricted to undergraduate students, master’s students, doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, young industry professionals and early career faculty (within 7 years of PhD) from both industry and academia.However, there are no restrictions based on citizenship, country of study, or country of employment. About 25 participants will be invited, and participants are expected to fully attend and participate in the entire week-long programme.
Click here for a downloadable brochure
Click here to visit the SICSS Delhi 2022 microsite and learn more about the programme.